V.16:13 (597-598): Quick Scan: Spec-Trader+ ver 1.0

V.16:13 (597-598): Quick Scan: Spec-Trader+ ver 1.0
Item# \V16\C13\103QS.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

Spec-Trader+ ver 1.0 (Cavlogix Corporation)

SpecTrader+ is a trading game from Cavlogix Corp. that lets you simulate daytrading, albeit in 30-minute intervals.

In the game, an intraday chart of a blue-chip stock and one of a 30-year bond are displayed onscreen at all times. Pricing is also shown for a currency and a penny stock, but charts are not shown for those. You take these pieces of information as market proxies and trade them. Volatility, length of game and level of expertise can be set by the player. —John Sweeney, Technical Editor

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