V.16:13 (595): Quick Scan: The Art of Short Selling

V.16:13 (595): Quick Scan: The Art of Short Selling
Item# \V16\C13\099QS.PDF
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Product Description

The Art of Short Selling (Kathryn F. Staley)

Longtime investors know that the news media has a tendency to profile money managers with the benefit of hindsight. When technology stocks are flying, for example, the technology mutual fund portfolio managers are the popular interviews. If a sharp selloff breaks the market, then the hedge fund managers are the ones to pay attention to. The fact is, the market goes through phases where the money and the positions move toward opportunities as they present themselves. Which style will be rewarded very difficult to forecast; while the savvy investors focus their energies in working their favorite strategies as the condition of the market warrant, they also keep abreast of other methods, as doing so can offer insight into how other groups are investing. That said, The Art of Short Selling offers a thoughtful look into virtually every aspect of this investment approach.

by Thom Hartle, Editor With research assistance from Staff Writer Bruce Faber

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