V.16:7 (336-343): Truth In Futures: John Hill by Thom Hartle

V.16:7 (336-343): Truth In Futures: John Hill by Thom Hartle
Item# \V16\C07\054INT.PDF
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Product Description

Truth In Futures: John Hill

John Hill started out in the business of trading commodities in a most remarkable way when he managed to run $1,000 up to $80,000 in a matter of three months - and then managed to lose all but $5,000 in a single day. Some traders would hang up their charts after that, but Hill was determined to understand what he'd done wrong. It took years of study, but he figured it out. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Thom Hartle interviewed Hill via telephone on April 23, 1998, asking him about Futures Truth, the publication he has produced since the 1970s; why novices could benefit from mechanical sys-tems; and what details are important to fairly evaluate the performance of a system.

The best systems are the ones with the fewest parameters. You can go berserk putting in parameters. The systems that have withstood the test of time have very few parameters and very simple methods. - John Hill

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