V.16:2 (83-88): Charles White Of Tucson Asset Management by Thom Hartle
Product Description
Charles White Of Tucson Asset Management by Thom Hartle
Charles White's career has ranged broadly from fixed-income portfolio manager to Commodity Trading Advisor. Today, as one of the three principals of Tucson Asset Management, White is doing it all as he advises institutional fixed-income managers as well as maintaining three managed-futures programs, with approximately $50 million under management. Stocks & Commodities Editor Thom Hartle interviewed White via telephone on November 18, 1997, asking him about issues that are key to developing trading systems as well as what investors should look for when deciding on a CTA.
So how did your career begin?
I started off in the banking industry. I worked for a bank
in California under the chief financial officer and I directed the management of the investment portfolio, which was primarily a mortgage-backed securities portfolio. Late in 1988, I joined Hal Lindquist and Jeff Stephenson. Hal had formed an advisory firm, as well as a broker-dealer concern. So I came over to assist in the growth of his advisory business.
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