V.16:2 (67-69): Metaphors For Trading by Ruth Barrons Roosevelt

V.16:2 (67-69): Metaphors For Trading by Ruth Barrons Roosevelt
Item# \V16\C02\010META.PDF
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Product Description

Metaphors For Trading by Ruth Barrons Roosevelt

The metaphors we use in our lives can be powerful emotional symbols, and how we view the market is reflected in those metaphors. Change those metaphors and develop a more successful attitude. Here's how.

The creation of metaphors that empower is one more tool you can use to enhance your trading. The metaphors you use regarding your trading have a direct impact on your approach to trading and consequently on your profitability.

Usually, we don’t choose metaphors consciously, and yet they’re in the back of our minds guiding our interpretation of what’s happening and our expectations of what will occur. Sometimes they support us and sometimes they don’t. A metaphor is a comparison of one thing to another. Life’s a bowl of cherries, say some. Life’s the pits, say others. Life’s a bitch and then you die. It’s a jungle out there. Life’s a ball! A picnic. A contest. A game.

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