V.16:1 (38-41): Pattern Recognition In Time Series by Rick Martinelli

V.16:1 (38-41): Pattern Recognition In Time Series by Rick Martinelli
Item# \V16\C01\006PATT.PDF
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Product Description

Pattern Recognition In Time Series by Rick Martinelli

Here's how to use a spreadsheet as a pattern recognition tool. The spreadsheet can be used to identify the cup-and-handle formation on daily closing prices over a given number of days.

Pattern recognition is a term that has been used to describe a variety of different, but related, phenomena. The ability of a camera and a computer to discern a particular image in a visually noisy environment is a classic example.

For traders, pattern recognition has been used to study chart formations. Our interest here is with patterns that appear in market data charts and that often precede other patterns of interest, such as a sustained upward trend in price.

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