V.15:13 (602-603): Quick Scans: Dow Jones News/Retrieval by Staff Writer
Product Description
Dow Jones News/Retrieval Private Investor Edition, Version 5.0 by Staff Writer
Finding out what’s going on when so
much is going on can be a major job these days, even though the access tools
have proliferated as rapidly as the events
themselves. When the subject is as generic
as news, separating the gold flakes
from the dross is tougher than ever.
Dow Jones wants to be your news
vendor and, to that end, has provided
what the Web does not: editorial judgment.
Its News/Retrieval service for
private investors focuses on the news
that businessfolk need by creating germane
topics from sources that the editors
see as credible and relevant. It aims
to arm the person whose exploration
begins after usual work hours with some
of the tools that professionals use. You
can do this for up to 10 hours a month,
plus surcharges. (See sidebar, “Charges.”)
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