V.15:13 (596): Quick Scans: A Trader's Astrological Almanac 1997 by Thom Hartle

V.15:13 (596): Quick Scans: A Trader's Astrological Almanac 1997  by Thom Hartle
Item# \V15\C13\Q596.PDF
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Product Description

A Trader's Astrological Almanac 1997 (Editor in chief Jeanne Long) by Thom Hartle

Over the years, I’ve studied numerous ways to trade and invest, all with the goal of improving my ability to buy low and sell high. To be honest, the idea of tracking astrological events as either a trading tool or background support method seemed far-fetched. But it was pointed out to me that my thinking may have been influenced by my being a product of Western culture, which doesn’t embrace astrology, and that other, older cultures do. To cut to the chase, I don’t know everything, which I’m perfectly willing to admit. Finally, I know people, traders whom I respect, who believe in and use this method to live and trade by.

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