V.15:12 (535-539): The Investor Preference Index by Cyril V. Smith Jr.
Product Description
This indicator, a long-term stock market investment tool,
compares the performance of the S&P 500 to the New York
Stock Exchange index to measure sentiment. The theory is
that investors have a preference for certain types of invest-ments, blue chips versus mid-cap, during phases of a bull
market. See what this indicator says lies ahead.
No financial topic has evoked more
interest in recent years than predicting
when the current bull market
in stocks will end. On one side
of the argument are the buy-and-hold
adherents, whose methodology
has scored remarkable success
since the early 1980s. To
them, a correction may be inevitable
but immaterial, since the
long-term trend is up. Those on the other side of the argument
— the market timers — have attempted to call when the bull
market high will occur, but have had little success to date.
Market experts have attempted to call the top based on the
price series alone, using such techniques as Elliott wave
theory and chart formations, including the broadening top
pattern. An influential group has relied on traditional market
guidelines such as price/earnings ratios to point out that by
these standards, the market is overvalued and due for a
correction. And some Wall Street gurus have relied on
proprietary economic analyses to call a top. Late in 1996,
Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan used the
term bubble to characterize the current market.
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