V.15:11 (510-515) Interview Bernie Schaeffer by Thom Hartle
Product Description
Bernie Schaeffer, president of the Investment Research Institute, is best known as the senior editor of The Option Advisor, the largest-circulation options newsletter in the US. He is also senior editor of Fund Profit Alert and Schaeffer's Research Review newsletters. Schaeffer made the Dick Davis Hall of Fame for being bearish ahead of the stock market correction in 1987, and since then, he has been steadfastly and correctly bullish, in large part to his use of sentiment-based indicators that helped him recently to garner the Market Technicians Association's Best of the Best award in sentiment and psychological analysis; in addition, he has a book due out even as you read this from John Wiley & Sons entitled The Option Advisor: Wealth-Building Techniques Using Equity and Index Options. So how's he view the market these days? To find out, Stocks & Commodities Editor Thom Hartle interviewed Schaeffer via telephone on August 19, 1997.
How did you start out in the
I had always been fascinated
with the stock market,
dating back to my years growing up
in New York City. I remember my dad
taking me to the visitors’ gallery at the
New York Stock Exchange and watching
the ticker tape go by. Those were the
days when you could actually look at a
ticker tape and run the paper through
your fingers. I remember one particular
scene on the floor of the NYSE. There
was a problem in Central America that
affected United Fruit Co. It was pandemonium
at the trading post for United
Fruit, and that scene always stuck with
me because it was exciting seeing the
kind of feverish pitch of activity that
can occur in the stock market.
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