V.15:10 (429-437): On Using Volatility Bands by Ahmet Tezel, Ph.D., and Suzan Koknar-Tezel, M.S.
Product Description
We’ve all seen a stock break out of its trading range
and trend to new levels. The initial surge will appear
as a sudden increase in activity, pushing the price
higher. The higher prices often reach levels that
indicate the stock is temporarily overbought and,
after a pause, may continue to trend. Technicians use
indicators to identify the temporary extremes, and
one indicator is volatility bands. This article details
two trading systems designed to take advantage of
the breakouts.
Many software packages for technical
analysis of the stock market
contain volatility bands using
standard deviations of prices
(Bollinger bands, for example).
The conventional application of Bollinger bands
assumes that a stock is overboughtY´ as the price
approaches the upper band, and that it is oversoldY´ as
the price nears the lower band. By using overbought
and oversold conditions, aggressive investors can
countertrade frequently, expecting reversals of current
short-term trends. Using volatility bands, we
wanted to test a trend-following system trading outside
the bands rather than a contrary system trading
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