V.15:5 (221-224): Dealing with Change by Adrienne Laris Toghraie

V.15:5 (221-224): Dealing with Change by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Item# \V15\C05\DEALING.PDF
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Product Description

Dealing with Change by Adrienne Laris Toghraie

Change is a part of life, and for a trader, it can be a problem or an opportunity. Here's how a trader can make sure it's not a problem.

In recent times, I have received countless calls from floor traders on their concerns regarding their move to a new building and/or a new floor. Some of their concerns: Are the new pits too large? Will people be able to see the orders being placed? Will the change in the positioning of the pits and the traders upset their relationships to each other? Will traders from the smaller pits be able to see into the larger pits? For other floor traders, the mere act of rearranging the pits spells trouble. Haunting fears and questions keep invading their focus and affecting their performance equilibrium.

These changes have thrown everything out of balance for these traders, and a loss of equilibrium is a serious matter for any trader.

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