V.15:4 (170-178): John Bollinger and Group Analysis by Thom Hartle

V.15:4 (170-178): John Bollinger and Group Analysis by Thom Hartle
Item# \V15\C04\JOHNBOL.PDF
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Product Description

Interview: John Bollinger and Group Analysis by Thom Hartle

John Bollinger, who is best known for his work on trading bands, also has other accomplishments to his credit as money manager, publisher and market analyst. Of late he's been looking at some new concepts: group analysis, which isn't a new concept at all, and fuzzy logic as applied to the markets, which is. To find out more, Stocks & Commodities Editor Thom Hartle decided to speak with Bollinger on January 23, 1997, via telephone, on topics ranging from group sector analysis to using fuzzy logic in market analysis.

Q: John, you’re a money manager, a publisher, and a market analyst. Tell us about some of your latest research into deciphering the markets. What have you been doing most recently?

A: Probably the most exciting work that I’ve done of late is a return to work I was doing years ago, in the area of group analysis. Back when I first started my career, a company called Remote Computing, which at the time owned Dial Data, offered a service called Merlin. Merlin, as part of its daily service, had a wonderful table available. The table was the individual Standard & Poor’s industry groups in the order of their deviation from an average.

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