V.14:11 (471-475O): Dynamic Multiple Time Frames by Robert Krausz, MH, BCHE

V.14:11 (471-475O): Dynamic Multiple Time Frames by Robert Krausz, MH, BCHE
Item# \V14\C11\DYNAMIC.PDF
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Product Description

Dynamic Multiple Time Frames by Robert Krausz, MH, BCHE

This private trader, who was profiled in The New Market Wizards, discusses one of his techniques to trade the market based on an early signal for trend direction.

Over the years I have studied many unique trading methods, and I have developed my own personal approach to trading the markets. I discussed some of my analytical and trading methods in the September 1995 STOCKS & COMMODITIES interview. Here’s a follow-up, introducing how I combine two methods: the first I call multiple time frames, and the second I refer to as the Fibonacci Trader method.

An approach based on multiple time frames uses analysis of a higher time frame, such as the weekly bar chart, to define the tradable trend and important support and resistance bands for the daily bar chart. For example, if you want to trade the daily wheat market, then it will be the weekly wheat chart that defines the tradable trend and the main support and resistance bands. If you focus on trading intraday, such as 60-minute bars, then you would use the daily bar chart to determine the trend and support and resistance bands. To determine the support and resistance bands as well as the tradable trend, I use my Fibonacci Trader methods.

Before that, however, some discussion is in order about market relationships.

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