V.14:10 (427-431): The Andrews Line by Ron Jaenisch

V.14:10 (427-431): The Andrews Line by Ron Jaenisch
Item# \V14\C10\THEANDR.PDF
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Product Description

The Andrews Line by Ron Jaenisch

Here's a charting method to determine market trend and identify reversal points to set up trading opportunities.

When Alan Hall Andrews taught investors how to use what is now referred to as the Andrews pitchfork charting technique , he probably never envisioned that this aspect of his method would be found today in many technical analysis computer programs. His goal, through his original 60-page course on the action-reaction method, of which the pitchfork charting technique is part, was to teach how to make money by forecasting markets. His course was a summary of what he theorized was the most effective technical analysis methods available.

To this day, little has been published on the action-reaction method. Most of the published work and concepts that Alan Andrews developed and taught could only be found in his weekly course letters. Only a fraction of the techniques that Andrews considered important were actually described in his course; the majority of the rules were explained, over the years, in his weekly course letters.

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