V.14:6 (279-281): Sustaining The Trader's Momentum by Ari Kiev, M.D.
Product Description
This psychiatrist, who teaches strategies for successful trading, explores various strategies for overcoming
obstacles to continued success.
by Ari Kiev, M.D.
It's not uncommon for traders to blow up after successful runs just as they're about to reach their financial
targets. This phenomenon seems to be related to the increase in tension and anxiety as a goal is approached. This
occurs because success represents entering into the realm of the unknown and activates fears about failing and
about the impossibility of success. As a consequence, the increased anxiety may result in self-destructive behavior and a succession of losing trades, bringing the trader back to square one.
What can you do to sustain a series of successful trades or successful weeks or months of trading so you can move
on to new levels of performance?
What can you do to perform at a level commensurate with your natural
abilities? These strategies have proven especially effective in helping traders to move to new and sustained levels
of high performance trading.
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