V.14:5 (215-221): Living the Dream: Trader Gary Smith by Thom Hartle

V.14:5 (215-221): Living the Dream: Trader Gary Smith by Thom Hartle
Item# \V14\C05\LIVINGT.PDF
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Product Description

Living The Dream: Trader Gary Smith

I always dreamed of trading for a living and I finally have achieved that, but never in the way I had imagined. I always envisioned myself as one of these Jesse Livermore-tape reader types, but it's been very different. - Gary Smith

In this day and age of computers and high technology, trader Gary Smith is certainly an anomaly, as he uses no computer, disapproves of mechanical systems and simply uses the data off CNBC with which to trade. How does he do it? How has he done it? His recently published book, Live the Dream By Profitably Day Trading Stock Futures, explains. To find out more about this unique trader, STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Thom Hartle conducted a telephone interview with Smith on February 20, 1996.

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