V.13:11 (478-485): Trading T-Bonds and Currencies by George Panagakis

V.13:11 (478-485): Trading T-Bonds and Currencies by George Panagakis
Item# \V13\C11\TBONDS.PDF
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Product Description

Trading T-Bonds And Currencies by George Panagakis

Are you looking for a trading system that's elementary by design, yet effective for trading using entry and exit rules? Were you also thinking that it should be based on weekly charts? Well, you've found it. Take a look.

What is it you're looking for? Are you developing mechanical trading systems for the futures markets, or are you looking for a system to use as an aid when you make trading decisions? Or perhaps you believe that market movement is random and unpredictable and there is no system that can be applied consistently and successfully over a long period, and you're looking for other ways to trade. For those in the first two groups, I'm going to provide an example of how market movement can be predicted, based on the results of 15 years of back-testing one of my own trading systems for the bond and currency markets. As for those in the third group - well, read on.


From 1987 to 1991, when I was working in the futures industry, I spent most of my free time analyzing the last 20 years of market history trying to determine profitable trading strategies. After five years, I finally succeeded because I realized at long last that individual markets move in unique ways. I also recognized that you need a trading system if you want to trade in a profitable manner.

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