V.13:09 (392): SIDEBAR: Old RVI, new RVI and inertia
Product Description
The relative volatility index (RVI) is a modified form of the relative strength index (RSI). The original RSI
calculation separates one-day net changes into positive closes and negative closes, then smoothes the data and
normalizes the ratio on a scale of 11 to 100 as the basis for the formula. The RVI uses the same basic formula but
substitutes the 10-day standard deviation of the last 10 days' closing prices for either the up close or the down close.
The goal is to create an indicator that measures and reports the general direction of the volatility. In a Microsoft Excel
4.0 spreadsheet (sidebar Figures 1 and 2), the formulas RVI, new RVI and inertia for the Standard & Poor's 500
index are presented. All formulas are copied down from the first cell entry except the instructions for cells G24,
H24, L24, M24, Q24 and R24. For the old RVI, the up close column is in column E. The formula for cell E11 is:
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