V.13:09 (394-397): Preventing Trader Burnout by Adrienne Laris Toghraie

V.13:09 (394-397): Preventing Trader Burnout by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Item# \V13\C09\PREVENT.PDF
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Product Description

TRADING PSYCHOLOGY Preventing Trader Burnout by Adrienne Laris Toghraie

Do you ever feel too tired to go on trading? Do you feel as though you're losing the mental energy to even think about trading? You may be suffering from burnout. Here are some hints to overcome or avoid the problems that can come with trading.

Have you ever had that dulling, lethargic sensation that accompanies a complete lack of desire to do anything constructive? When an individual loses the desire and the energy necessary to continue working, he could be suffering from burnout. In such cases, it's almost as if the spirit and body go on strike. This mental and physical shutdown occurs when a person is pushed or pushes too hard for too long. In essence, burnout is an unconscious survival response, forcing our internal and emotional mechanisms to shut down for repairs.

When a trader is too exhausted mentally or physically to trade, he may be experiencing burnout. We can recognize some of the warning signs. If a trader is heading in that direction, he may find that he:

Has a hard time getting up in the morning

Wakes up throughout the night, gets up tired and fights exhaustion all day long

Feels a sense of hopelessness about trading and everything else in his life

Loses his temper at inconsequential annoyances

Begins to lose his sense of control over his trading.


Few other occupations have such frequent opportunities for debilitating losses as trading. Because of this constant challenge to perform, trading has a constant danger for burnout. Any hardship on your emotional and physical well-being can push you in that direction. The causes for this condition vary, but all have to do with a buildup of stress. Here are some examples of traders suffering from burnout.

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