V.13:07 (313-314): The Whole Brain Trader by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Product Description
V.13:07 (313-314): The Whole Brain Trader by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Does the part of the brain that influences you the most affect how you trade? The founder of Trading on Target explains the importance of using skills that are built on both intuitive and deductive mental processes.
Did you know that the side of your brain that is dominant will influence how you think and what kind of trader you will be? No matter which side is dominant, however, you can influence the outcome. How you use and combine information from each side of the brain will determine how successful you become.
Years of study and observation have gone into the recent interest in articles about left-brain and right-brain thinking. Psychologists have proved that thought patterns represented by each of the two hemispheres of the brain are distinct. The left part of the brain seems to direct logical, intellectual and linear thought processes required by lawyers, doctors and technically oriented professionals, such as scientists, engineers and computer people. On the other side, the right part of the brain seems to direct the creative, artistic and intuitive thought processes required by artists,
writers, athletes and people-oriented professionals such as salespeople and therapists.
Depending on which hemisphere of the brain is dominant, the individual will find the motor skills on the opposite side of the body to be dominant as well.
The thinking process that comes from the dominant side of the brain in each of us guides us into the kind of work we like to do and how well we'll do it. Work that requires details and logical thinking is uncomfortable for predominantly right-brained people, whereas work that requires creativity, intuition and the ability to work with ambiguity is uncomfortable for predominantly left-brained people.
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