V.13:5 (209-215): Trading Multiple Time Frames by Gene Carey

V.13:5 (209-215): Trading Multiple Time Frames by Gene Carey
Item# \V13\C05\TRADING.PDF
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Product Description

Trading Multiple Time Frames by Gene Carey

Waiting until the end of the day for a trading signal may be an unnecessary delay for your trading system. How can we get around it? Here's one trader's method of improving a system by using more than one time period for market signals.

Using different time frames in developing a computerized trading system can increase your profits substantially, whether you're a short-term or long-term trader. Some traders still visually analyze different time frames of data to spot familiar patterns, but others have learned that using a personal computer to perform these tasks can be more efficient. Here's one technique in which the computer may be put to use to maximize profits by utilizing data in at least two different time frames. You may use this by utilizing either longer-term or shorter-term time-frame bar charts than your present systems employ.

Such a stratagem may be used on most any market in any two (or more) time frames, and it is also appealing as it may be applied to most any bar chart study, whether it is a simple indicator or a complex system. The only limitations to this technique are those that may be imposed by the software and/or hardware used. The technique is based on a simple principle: larger time-frame price bars are made up of smaller time-frame price bars. For the long-term trader, this means that much greater resolution on price activity is possible, and for the short-term trader, this means that the larger picture may be kept in focus by the computerized system being used.

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