V.13:5 (189-195): Making the Titanic Fly by Dennis Meyers
Product Description
Making the Titanic Fly by Dennis Meyers
The Titanic syndrome is a stock market timing system built on various stock market indicators. As with all trading systems, additional refinements are possible on the original. Here, then, is one trader's double set of modifications on the original Titanic syndrome system.
The Titanic syndrome system, which was originally formulated by the late Bill Ohama, caught my attention
because of the title and theory behind it. Ohama introduced the system in STOCKS & COMMODITIES and then detailed his buy and sell criteria for the Titanic syndrome system in a 1991 EQUIS Monitor article. With that, he updated all the buy and sell signals that the system generated from February 21, 1980, to August 23, 1990. Figure 1 shows the Ohama buy and sell criteria, with my own annotations to make the criteria easier to follow. Figure 2 reproduces the buy and sell signals as printed in the EQUIS Monitor.
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