V.13:3 (102-106): Trading the Eurodollar by George Panagakis

V.13:3 (102-106): Trading the Eurodollar by George Panagakis
Item# \V13\C03\EURODLR.PDF
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Product Description

Trading the Eurodollar by George Panagakis

Trading methods don't have to be complex; indeed, they can be very simple. Here's one that will help you trade Eurodollars.

When I was working in the futures industry, I spent most of my free time analyzing the previous 20 years of all the futures markets moves. I became intrigued with the idea of finding market indicators that would allow me to make a living from speculating in the futures markets. After a great deal of study, I succeeded. Some of you are trying to develop your own market indicators, so I will share some mistakes I made in the hope that you will not repeat them. In addition, I will also share with you one of the indicators that I use in the Eurodollar market.


My first mistake: I forgot the four most important letters in any business, KISS (keep it simple, stupid). At first, I thought I had to have a complicated mathematical formula to successfully trade in the futures markets, but I quickly realized that all I had to do was develop indicators that would follow the market as it moved up or down. I analyzed every substantial move in every futures market and asked myself what usually happened when the market started to change direction and whether I could count on the market to move the same way in the future.

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