V.12:12 (518-520): The Warrior's Discipline Of Trading by Richard D. McCall

V.12:12 (518-520): The Warrior's Discipline Of Trading by Richard D. McCall
Item# \V12\C12\WARRIOR.PDF
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Product Description

The Warrior's Discipline Of Trading by Richard D. McCall

This occupational psychologist and a master of martial arts compares the disciplines that traders need in order to trade effectively with the disciplines of the samurai.

When was the last time you were in a fight? Think about it. Did you think back to a long-forgotten push-and-shove incident at some tavern when you were in college? Or did you think of some military campaign you served in? These combative recollections are likely to arise in the minds of most readers contemplating the question. But such answers would be inaccurate. In all likelihood, it is quite possible that the last fight you were involved in was as recent as yesterday or perhaps even today. It might have even been in the last few minutes. Surprised? You wouldn't be if you were to examine the history and original meaning of the words fight and war.

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