V.12:12 (521-524): The Price Oscillator by Bruce R. Faber
Product Description
The Price Oscillator
by Bruce R. Faber
What is this indicator and how can it be used? For neophytes to learn and seasoned traders who want to
refresh their memories, check this out.
The price oscillator. Don't let the fancy name throw you. Simply, this tool is the difference
between two moving averages. The price oscillator can be constructed using either points difference or
percentage difference. You can use either simple or exponential moving averages. By plotting the graph
of the difference, you are observing the moving average with the longer duration as a straight line. The
movement of the short moving average in relation to the longer moving average is then plotted above or
below the straight line. Plotted as a separate indicator, it becomes much easier to see. The distance above
or below the line, the crossing points and the information that can be provided by either chart are exactly
the same.
The basic use of the price oscillator is a buy signal that is generated when the shorter moving average
crosses from below to above the zero line (which is the longer moving average). When it crosses through
the zero line from top to bottom, it is time to sell. The actual crossing points of the two averages are fairly
easy to see on any chart that generates moving averages, but with the use of the price oscillator, diverging
or converging trends between the averages become clearly and immediately obvious. Most software
programs include this indicator.
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