V.12:11 (484-486): Using Visual Imagery in Trading by Ari Kiev, M.D.
Product Description
Using Visual Imagery in Trading by Ari Kiev, M.D.
This psychiatrist, who conducts seminars on the psychology of trading, discusses the use of visual imagery to maximize trading results.
Experience is governed by thoughts, especially those that occur with strong visual images. If you relax and close your eyes, thoughts and images will arise continually and naturally in your mind. Listen to the sounds from the machines and people in your environment. Now listen to the sounds beyond the room. Now listen to the sound of your breathing. Try to picture the source of the sounds. As you do this, notice that you can focus on only one sound and image at a time. Notice that you can shift your attention from one image to another and can also select an image on which to focus.
When you select an image, it becomes more distinct than the others, and conflicting images tend to fade into the background. Since you can choose the images you think about, you can improve the purpose and energy of your trading in that way simply by focusing your thoughts on powerful images of what you want to happen. In this way, you can overcome the restrictions of automatic thoughts and habits that limit you in your trading. These are thoughts such as, "I'm on a losing streak", "I'm going to get killed by a thunderbolt today","I can't seem to get on track", or any such negative thought that can color your market perceptions and sap your energy and confidence and capacity to trade profitably.
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