V.12:8 (337-342): Finding Value Statistically: Geraldine Weiss of Investment Quality Trends by Thom Hartle

V.12:8 (337-342): Finding Value Statistically: Geraldine Weiss of Investment Quality Trends by Thom Hartle
Item# \V12\C08\WEISS.PDF
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Product Description

Interview: Geraldine Weiss of Investment Quality Trends by Thom Hartle

Have you ever wondered about how to find real value in the markets? Well, this may be the solution to your problem. Geraldine Weiss started the Investment Quality Trends newsletter in 1966. Recently, IQ Trends was included in the seven-member honor roll for performance in up and down markets by the Forbes/Hulbert survey of investment letters. Stocks & Commodities interviewed Weiss about how she started out, the methods she uses for selecting stocks and her thoughts about the market.

Q: Geraldine, how did you get started in the financial arena and with your newsletter, Investment Quality Trends?

A: Well, my work in the stock market was influenced by three people: Benjamin Graham, the well-known author of the book The Intelligent Investor, who alerted me to the benefit of looking for value in the stock market. The second was Charles Henry Dow, who also wrote many times about value and about dividends. But I think the biggest influence on shaping my approach to the market was my father, who not only looked for value but also looked for increasing dividends and good yields.

Q: An upward trend in dividends?

A: My father impressed on me the importance of finding good values and good yields from dividends that were strong and growing. Your use of the word trend is good, because we use technical or statistical analysis of the fundamentals of a stock to decide what stocks to select and at what price to buy or sell.

Q: When did you start publishing your newsletter?

A: I started publishing the newsletter because in 1966 — 28 years ago — it was very difficult for a woman to break into this business, even as a stockbroker. I wanted to analyze stocks and the stock market, so I realized I would have to start my own business to do so, which I did.

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