V.12:8 (330-336): Maximizing Bond Fund Profits by Jay Kaeppel
Product Description
Maximizing Bond Fund Profits by Jay Kaeppel
A new indicator based on Barron's Gold Mining Index is introduced for timing bond mutual funds.
The proliferation in bond mutual funds in recent years has created both good news and bad news for investors. The good news: Income investors can now select from funds investing in specific types of bonds with specific maturities. This flexibility allows an investor to tailor a portfolio to meet his or her own specific requirements. The bad news: More flexibility introduces more choices, and with it the increased possibility of making poor decisions at inappropriate times.
Few investors understand the differences between the bond funds available. In addition, many are unaware of the risk/reward tradeoffs involved when choosing between long-term bond funds and short-term bond funds. Here, then, are the basics of bond fund investing as well as information on differences between individual bonds and bond fund investing; a timing model for determining optimal switch timing between bond funds; criteria for selecting individual bond funds; and a guide to building a model bond fund portfolio.
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