V.12:6 (248-252): Three Myths About Trading A Small Commodity Account by K.D. Angle
Product Description
Three Myths About Trading A Small Commodity Account by K.D. Angle
The New Timing Device editor Kelly Angle disputes some common notions about trading commodities if you have a small commodity account. What are they?
In talking with thousands of clients and traders in nearly a decade of operating as a professional in the futures industry, small traders have told me many times that their long-term goal is to eventually leave their current occupation in exchange for a life of wealth and independence supported solely by successfully trading their own futures account.
What is the probability of a small individual trader actually attaining this dream? Remember, most traders who make this statement are trading a relatively small account and want to trade it up over time to amounts large enough to support themselves and their families. Is this a realistic aspiration? If it is, why don't we see hundreds, if not thousands, of small independent traders successfully making healthy livings across the country? Perhaps understanding the major roadblocks to this goal is key to making this dream a reality.
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