V.12:6 (260-263): The Commitment To Trading by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Product Description
The Commitment To Trading by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
How far would you go to succeed in your trading? Commitment and achievement go hand in hand but they must be balanced.
Top traders know, either instinctively or as a result of experience, that all achievement requires commitment. They also know that the higher the level of achievement, the greater the commitment that is required to reach it. These traders are, usually, not only willing but eager to apply themselves to the challenge. However, what they usually fail to factor into their road map to success is the level of tradeoff that will be required as well. It is this other side of the equation that, if not properly addressed, can topple the most successful trading careers.
At the same time, many traders desperately want to be top traders, but they are painfully aware of the other side of the success equation. Daunted by the prospect of what they will have to give up, these traders cannot or will not make the necessary level of commitment. Once again, managing the tradeoffs is at the root of the problem.
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