V.12:5 (215-217): The Trading Saboteur by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Product Description
The Trading Saboteur by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
STOCKS & COMMODITIES contributor Adrienne Toghraie discusses how traders may not realize they are
sabotaging their own success. Here's how to change that behavior.
Adam's roller-coaster wins and losses followed a predictable pattern. When he would reach a certain
level of success, he would somehow find a way to sabotage it and create losses for himself. At times, his
trading was highly profitable because he had developed an intuitive feel for the markets. By backing up
that intuition with a solid foundation of technical and fundamental knowledge, he developed a system
that brought him good returns when he kept his eye on his goal and followed his own rules. However, his
intuition would become unreliable when he was off balance personally, which would lead him to throw
out everything he knew would work and trade compulsively. Does that sound familiar?
Both traders who trade in thousands and traders who trade in millions can take the same self-defeating
roller-coaster ride when they reach a certain level of success. That level of success is different for all of
us; we all have a comfort level for the income we create, and most of us will sabotage ourselves going
beyond that comfort level. There are many reasons for this.
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