V.12:4 (158-164): SIDEBAR: Zweig's Super Model by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Zweig's Super Model by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Zweig's Super Model combines the monetary model and the momentum model to create the Super Model
for identifying favorable stock market conditions.
The monetary model is a collection of three indicators, each of which is assigned a numerical score that
will then provide a composite reading on monetary conditions. The first indicator is the prime rate
indicator, which has either a value of +2 or a value of zero for the monetary model. A +2 is awarded if
the prime rate peak is above 8%, there is a decline of 1% or there are two consecutive cuts in the prime
rate. If the prime rate peak is below 8%, a single cut in the prime rate occurs. The prime rate indicator
drops to zero if one of the following events occur: First, if the prime rate low is above 8% any initial hike
in the prime rate; second, if the prime rate low is less than 8% and the prime rate is raised by 1%; and
third, two consecutive hikes in the prime rate occur.
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