V.12:3 (116-120): Using Candlesticks And Oscillators by Gary S. Wagner and Bradley L. Matheny
Product Description
Using Candlesticks And Oscillators by Gary S. Wagner and Bradley L. Matheny
Blending East with West, candlesticks with Western trading techniques and using the computer to boot: Combine candlesticks with oscillators.
Candlestick charting has come a long way since Steve Nison introduced the Japanese technique to the
Western hemisphere in the early 1990s. While its early popularity in the US had all the earmarks of a fad,
it is no longer considered simply to be a fashionable way in which to view data; it has instead become a
viable and important tool for the trader who previously only used traditional Western trading methods.
Candlestick charting can be used effectively by incorporating the method with a strategy using Western
technical analysis. Examining all this information can be a complex and challenging one, so the use of a
computer is a perfect solution to the complicated steps necessary.
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