V.12:3 (116-120): Using Candlesticks And Oscillators by Gary S. Wagner and Bradley L. Matheny

V.12:3 (116-120): Using Candlesticks And Oscillators by Gary S. Wagner and Bradley L. Matheny
Item# \V12\C03\CANDLES.PDF
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Product Description

Using Candlesticks And Oscillators by Gary S. Wagner and Bradley L. Matheny

Blending East with West, candlesticks with Western trading techniques and using the computer to boot: Combine candlesticks with oscillators.

Candlestick charting has come a long way since Steve Nison introduced the Japanese technique to the Western hemisphere in the early 1990s. While its early popularity in the US had all the earmarks of a fad, it is no longer considered simply to be a fashionable way in which to view data; it has instead become a viable and important tool for the trader who previously only used traditional Western trading methods. Candlestick charting can be used effectively by incorporating the method with a strategy using Western technical analysis. Examining all this information can be a complex and challenging one, so the use of a computer is a perfect solution to the complicated steps necessary.

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