V.12:2 (60-64): Neuro-Linguistic Programmer Charles Faulkner by Thom Hartle
Product Description
Neuro-Linguistic Programmer Charles Faulkner by Thom Hartle
Whether you interpret the acronym NLP as Neuro-Linguistic Programming or natural learning process, the cognitive process of trading is what Charles Faulkner, of Chicago-based Mental Edge Trading Associates and a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming trainer, studies. One aspect of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a technique for overcoming mental impediments to success. A trader himself, Faulkner has studied successful traders extensively. By modeling the mindsets of successful traders, Faulkner seeks to help other traders follow those same successful patterns and help them manage their emotional states when trading. Faulkner shares his insights on applying successful trading skills.
How did you get started with NLP and trading?
When I was in college, I was part of an independent research team trying to discover if there was any
relationship between language and beliefs. We were making some headway in the study by having the
volunteers ask particular questions of the callers to a crisis line.
And this was early preparation for Neuro-Linguistic programming?
Yes. Several years later, when someone dropped an early N LP book into my lap, I already knew what they
were on to! I had been doing research independently with other people in the same area, the difference
being that we knew something was there but we couldn't crack the code. Richard Bandler and John
Grinder, on the other hand, had. I dropped what I was doing and went deeply into NLP training. That was
1981 and I've been involved ever since.
What was it specifically that drew you toward the study of Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
I got into NLP because I was interested in modeling — specifically, modeling human excellence. That's
what interested me most. I wanted to understand the structure of excellence and how you could transfer it
from one person to another.
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