V.11:6 (243-252): A Spreadsheet For Price Ratio Projection Analysis by Robert Miner

V.11:6 (243-252): A Spreadsheet For Price Ratio Projection Analysis by Robert Miner
Item# \V11\C06\ASPREAD.PDF
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Product Description

A Spreadsheet For Price Ratio Projection Analysis by Robert Miner

Traders who follow Gann and Elliott wave analysis use ratios of past price movement as guidelines for possible turning points in the future. Here, Robert Miner of Gann/Elliott Educators gives you the spreadsheet custom formulas for you to calculate price objectives based on ratios of previous price moves.

My previous article, "A spreadsheet for time ratio analysis," described how to construct a spreadsheet to project time periods when a market is most likely to change trend. This time, I will instruct traders how to construct a spreadsheet that will calculate all of the important ratio projections for price targets with the greatest probability of support and resistance and, more important, target those with the greatest probability of terminating a trend.

I will utilize terms from the Elliott wave method for labeling market movements throughout. For example, impulse waves, the trend of the market, are five wave movements together, while correcting wave patterns are three wave movements together. Understanding this method will help you in using this spreadsheet.

To deter nine the price targets where trend change should occur, price cycles are proportioned by the geometric ratios as the market in question unfolds and then projected from various swing relationships. If there is a fairly narrow price zone where several price cycle projections point to a cluster of price cycle targets, a likely turning point is indicated. The more wave-ratio projections that fall within the price zone, the greater the probability of trend change or at least minor support or resistance at the targeted price zone.

As with the time projection spreadsheet, four considerations must be addressed before we can construct the price projection spreadsheet: which price cycles or waves to compare; what ratios to use; which wave-ratio relationships are the most important, and how to use the price projections to make a trading decision.

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