V.11:1 (34-35): The Stock/Bond Yield Gap by Jay Kaeppel

V.11:1 (34-35): The Stock/Bond Yield Gap by Jay Kaeppel
Item# \V11\C01\THESTOC.PDF
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Product Description

The Stock/Bond Yield Gap by Jay Kaeppel

STOCKS & COMMODITIES contributor Jay Kaeppel presents an indicator using the yield for high-grade corporate bonds and the yield for the DJIA to predict the stock market.

Investors have often wondered if some significant information could be gleaned from comparing yields on stocks to yields on bonds. In theory, at least, it would seem to make sense that if bond yields were much higher than stock yields, then investment dollars would be drawn to bonds and away from stocks, thus having a negative effect on stock prices. Likewise, if the difference between stock yields and bond yields narrowed it would suggest that stocks might become more attractive relative to bonds. Fortunately, this is one case where theory actually works when applied to realistic situations.


The stock/bond yield gap (SBYG) has proved to be a useful tool in anticipating favorable and unfavorable periods for stock prices. Upon examination, this indicator has at least four factors in its favor. First, it is simple to calculate. Second, interpreting buy and sell signals is equally simple. Third, it serves as a useful advance warning signal to impending turns in the market. Finally, even though the gap rarely gives signals near actual bottoms or tops, it has outperformed the Standard & Poor's 500 by a considerable amount since I began to track it in 1980.

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