V.10:13 : Quick-Scans on Market Master (Ingenious Technologies Corp.) by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Product Description
Quick-Scans on Market Master (Ingenious Technologies Corp.) by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Ingenious Technologies Corp.
556 Roxbury Avenue NW
Massillon, OH 44646-3281
(216) 477-9900 or (800) 776-6488
Product: Price direction and target forecaster of stocks, commodities and indices
Price: $349 to $795, depending on the version ordered for use with daily data; $1,595 for the intraday
trading version; $49 for a fully operational trial version that works with daily data.
Requirements: IBM PC or compatible with a minimum of 512K RAM, 950K of hard-drive space and
Ms or PC DOS 2.0 or higher. CGA/EGA/VGA monitor. Printers compatible with Epson FX or MX, IBM
Proprinter or Hewlett Packard Laserjet.
Discount: To readers who mention this Quick-Scan, Ingenious Technologies has offered to discount
the retail price of any version ordered (except the trial version).
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