V.9:12 (499-504): Fidelity's Philip Erlanger by Thom Hartle

V.9:12 (499-504): Fidelity's Philip Erlanger by Thom Hartle
Item# \V09\C12\FIDELIT.PDF
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Product Description

Fidelity's Philip Erlanger by Thom Hartle

Fidelity Management and Research Co.'s senior technical analyst Philip Erlanger is a major force behind one of the most successful managed-fund companies in the country. He arrived at technical analysis in a roundabout way starting as a stock broker for Reynolds Securities in the 1970s, getting interested in computers along the way even before the I BM PC revolutionized the industry and working as an analyst for Advest before coming to Fidelity, where he analyzes industry groups stocks and the market looking at junk bonds and currencies. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Thom Hartle interviewed Philip Erlanger on September 20, 1991 via telephone and among other topics asked him about his use of short interest data and his absolute strength index.

"If you pick industry groups that have technical merit and mirror your portfolios to look like the stronger groups and follow them over time you will be able to use that as a discipline." —Philip Erlanger

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