V.9:5 (216-217): The Skimming Discussion Continues by John Sweeney

V.9:5 (216-217): The Skimming Discussion Continues by John Sweeney
Item# \V09\C05\SKIMMIN.PDF
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Product Description

The Skimming Discussion Continues by John Sweeney

Remember the moving average "skimming" discussion that's gone on over the last several issues? I received another cogent letter describing the effect for a half-wave moving average. Amos Newcombe of Manor Lake, NY, makes the point that to "skim" tops and bottoms precisely, the amplitude of any inherent cycle must be the same size as any trend over one-quarter of a cycle:

This is in reply to your article "Average Behavior" [STOCKS & COMMODITIES, April 1991]. You say that the half-cycle moving average moves along the bottom of rising trends. Let us idealize this price movement as follows:


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