V.8:12 (445-448): East Meets West: CandlePower Charting by Greg Morris
Product Description
East Meets West: CandlePower Charting by Greg Morris
Candlestick charting was introduced to me back in May 1988 at an annual Market Technicians Association meeting. The method, which originated in the Japanese rice futures market in the 1600s, received its share of attention in more than a few lectures, as numerous technical analysts from Japan were attending and speaking at the meeting. Another exciting topic presented at the meeting was Equivolume charting. Richard Arms, who wrote Volume Cycles in the Stock Market in 1983, was introducing his Equivolume charting software.
Both the candlestick charting and Equivolume techniques are interesting and could enhance anyone's basic market analysis with enough study. After that meeting and some thought, we took those two techniques and combined them, calling it CandlePower charting.
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