V.8:11 (438-440): Trading As Teamwork by Franz-J. Buskamp

V.8:11 (438-440): Trading As Teamwork by Franz-J. Buskamp
Item# \V08\C11\TRADTE.PDF
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Product Description

Trading As Teamwork by Franz-J. Buskamp

If you were to ask Chicago trader Joseph Ritchie whether he sees himself as an individual trader or a team member, his reaction would probably be a tired smile. After all, he is a member of one of the most successful options and futures trading team, Chicago Research and Trading Ltd. In 1977 Joe Ritchie developed a simple, albeit promising arbitrage program.

The dollars necessary to put the system into practice were provided by three friends of Ritchie, with whom he founded CRT. From a starting capital of $100,000, CRT has to date realized $300 million in profits, easily placing the firm in a lead position worldwide amid independent firms trading for their own account.

What started out as a somewhat laidback operation in a cubbyhole of an office, equipped with only a pocket calculator, can today regard itself as a high-tech flagship for the U.S. financial sector.

A typical success story? Certainly! But it's also an example of what teamwork can bring.

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