V.8:6 (240-243): BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis

V.8:6 (240-243): BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis
Item# \V08\C06\BASICP.PDF
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Product Description

BASIC programming for technical analysis by Steve Notis

I decided recently to start to program some of my own software after writing for so long about everyone else's. Once I got going, I discovered that programming is not as difficult as I'd anticipated. Anyone comfortable getting around his or her hard disk with DOS and perhaps writing "batch" and "config.sys" files can learn to do a surprising amount of programming in a very short time.

For readers who want to gain new skills but hesitate to take the plunge, this article, the first of a series, will be a chronicle of my adventures as a novice, struggling to get down the rudiments of programming as it applies to technical analysis. Even if you're an experienced programmer, I'll be presenting some technical analysis routines that you may find useful. For those readers who have little or no programming experience, perhaps I'll shed light on a subject that often seems mystifying — but shouldn't be.

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