V.7:10 (378-379): LiveWire by Jim Rader

V.7:10 (378-379): LiveWire by Jim Rader
Item# \V07\C10\LIVEWIR.PDF
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Product Description

LiveWire by Jim Rader

LiveWire is a new type of product. It takes public information from a TV signal and makes it usable to your computer. This product has no monthly charges; you simply buy it, install it in your computer and let it run.

Specifically, what does it do? It "watches" television for you and doesn't even need a television set to do it. It is discriminating as it will only watch one channel: Financial News Network (FNN). It does what we wish we could do: watch the price ticker on the bottom of the TV screen and remember most of what it sees.

I have been using it since August 1988 and have continually checked its data against other sources. It is quite good and I am comfortable with its accuracy. What does LiveWire do for me? I use it to check model portfolios suggested by experts and to build my own indices. Most of all, I use it to monitor my own investments and to time entry and exit of positions.

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