V.7:9 (275-277): Trading T-bonds with Equivolume by Thom Hartle

V.7:9 (275-277): Trading T-bonds with Equivolume by Thom Hartle
Item# \V07\C09\TBONDEQ.PDF
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Product Description

Trading T-bonds with Equivolume by Thom Hartle

A technician attempts to identify areas of price where supply or demand will affect the value of an item. If your method correctly responds to or forecasts the demand or supply entering the market, you may profit by the price adjustment of that item. A technique that helps me understand the subtle shifts in supply or demand (and consequently the change in price) is Equivolume Charting developed by Richard W. Arms, Jr. Equivolume Charting lets me visually interpret the relationship of volume to price movement in a way that traditional bar charts were never designed to match.

The June T-bond futures chart shown in Figure 1 is not the easiest way for me to gauge the amount of volume traded in relation to the price movement. On the other hand, the equivalent Equivolume Chart (Figures 2 & 3) combines the daily volume with the price range for the day.

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