V.7:8 (263-266): Point and figure analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol

V.7:8 (263-266): Point and figure analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol
Item# \V07\C08\POINTFI.PDF
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Product Description

Point and figure analysis and projection Part 2 by Charles Idol

When you start point & figure chart (P&F) analysis, you should start with longer-term data and a l´3 chart like Figure 1, the P&F chart for AT&T. (See "Point & figure charts: An overview," Stocks & Commodities, March 1989.) AT&T falls under the influence of the downtrend line formed by connecting the tops of columns 11, 13 and 21. While this line holds, any short-term patterns indicating upward price action tend to be optimistic. Price action on the l´l chart (Figure 2) covers a slightly different time period. (To tie the charts together, note that at the beginning of 1986 — column 6 in Figure 1 — AT&T is rising from a bottom.)

The congestion zone between columns 7 and 15 of Figure 2, with an upward break at a price of $27 in column 16, looks interesting. Experience says that the number of Xs and Os in a horizontal line (including the blank spaces between letters) is the number of points a stock, a group of stocks or market average will advance from its deepest low or decline from its peak high. A count of nine across the $24 price line, therefore, gives a possible objective of $33, for a 22% gain if a commitment is made at $27. ...

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