V.7:8 (259-262): Daily stock technician by Thomas K. Lloyd

V.7:8 (259-262): Daily stock technician by Thomas K. Lloyd
Item# \V07\C08\DAILYST.PDF
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Product Description

Daily stock technician by Thomas K. Lloyd

For several years, I marketed a proprietary chart service, called Flow of Capital, to major money managers in the country who generally had at least a billion dollars in equities under management.

Each chart plotted four/variables. The first line showed capital flowing into or out of the stock. Next, there was a line showing the demand-supply fluctuations. Below that was a rate-of-change indicator. Finally, there was comparative relative strength.

These charts showed that relative strength is the basic raw data for every novice technician to learn and trust. All the other enhancements are nice if you can afford to pay for them, but relative strength, associated volume and absolute price change are more than enough to get you a long way into the technical analysis of equities.

Therefore, when Investor's Daily came on the scene and highlighted these very basic variables on their charts, it became possible for even the novice to do his or her technical homework.

Not only do these charts reduce technical data to the basics, but they do the same for the key fundamental data. In my years of working with portfolio managers, I knew not one who simply relied on technical data to make decisions — professionals look at both. What Investor's Daily has tried to show you, in summary on one little chart, is the basics of both the technical and fundamental data on each stock.

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