V.7:7 (217-219): System Writer Plus by Jim Summers, Ph.D.
Product Description
System Writer Plus
by Jim Summers, Ph.D.
When I read in a letter to the Stocks & Commodities editor that readers wanted to see a review of
System Writer, I asked for the job. For traders such as myself, the product is a godsend. Omega Research
recently released System Writer Plus, a major upgrade to the original program, and this review evaluates
the new version.
The best description of System Writer Plus is that it facilitates signal and model development,
optimization, historical testing and gives you trading signals on a daily or even intraday basis.
The usual application takes the following path: You use English-like statements to build your own entry and exit rules, including stops. You specify any variables you want the program to test incrementally (the
program allows up to 10 per signal) and the range those variables can take. You may then store these
signals in the signal library.
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