V.7:7 (235-236): Technician 5.0 by Steve Notis
Product Description
Technician 5.0
by Steve Notis
Once upon a time, computers were designed to make our lives easier. By helping us with our difficult
and time-consuming tasks, computers were supposed to speed us through our work and allow us to get on
to more pleasant things. Technical analysts, however, inspired by the added capabilities, have delved into
more arcane and complicated areas of research. There seems to be an escalating contest to see who can
gather and manipulate the most data and who can build and optimize the most elaborate mathematical
I'm certainly as prone to this nonsense as anyone, maybe more so, and so I try not to get hooked on every
new technical analysis program that comes out. However, recently I've been working with one that not
only expands my analysis capabilities, but saves me time, too.
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