V.7:5 (157-158): DollarLink by Rich Rosen

V.7:5 (157-158): DollarLink by Rich Rosen
Item# \V07\C05\DOLLARL.PDF
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Product Description

DollarLink by Rich Rosen

A major new software package called DollarLink has quietly hit the market. The name isn't the greatest, but traders will find this extraordinary real-time program blows away anything on the market. Some very strong words indeed—now let's see if I can back them up.

Right from the get-go, you know DollarLink was carefully written by the way the installation program steps you through a list of 40 fairly involved and low or asked. In addition, prices can be displayed either in decimal or fractions and they change color from green to white to red depending on whether the incoming trade is up, unchanged or down. Price and volume alarms are easily set easily and all prices are cleverly error checked by percentage change.

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